Bali was about reseaching material for writing a play and playing my sax to higher levels.
Now I've finished writing my play called, "Da Saxifoney".
It's a solo play on the subject of Creativity, and features three characters, Jimu Modern Man (that's me folks), John Coltrane, the American Saxophonist, and Leonardo da Vinci.
Once I've developed my acting and performance skills, we (my wife, Christine and I) will be travelling and playing it, in small venues clubs, pubs, house concerts etc, as a way of entertaining and meeting people while travelling. To spread the joy of Creativity and Music.
Anyway, back to this blog!
I've now taken off for another 3 months, this time in Australia, to finish off the final draft and memorizing the play, and as always playing my Sax.
I will be posting on this blog every 2weeks, focusing on what I really came here to do.....
If your new to this blog you can see my previous Bali Blogs, by scrolling down the page.
I am house sitting 80 klms south/east of Brisbane near Beenleigh looking after 3 cats and one dog while their owners travel to the USA. Really sweet people, and neat pets too!
Just perfect for this sort of retreat.
What a golden oppertunity this is, to focus and step ever closer to our Goals. The distance from home is not so great as last time, now we have Skype and a web cam, and can see and chat to home daily.
Aussie Bound
Left home in Nelson with frosty mornings and all the usual last minute preparations, having finished a Walnut rocker order that came in only two weeks from trip time.(great boost to funds)
Leaving New Zealand from Wellington this was the view, heading into a sunset with marvelous cloud structures, reminded me of other trips across USA.
Landing in Brisbane, my pack was the last onto the baggage carousel, hmmm....... the angle they slide down is quite steep, could cause some breakages (I always carry my alto Sax on the plane as hand luggage) I was met by a friend at the airport, I last saw her in 1982. That's along time ago, although we both had no trouble recognizing each other.
Sweet Sue, still had the coffee table I made for her last time, I was quite impressed by it, as I remember this was made in the warehouse of her (at that time tile importing business) with only hand tools from packing case timbers. Here it is below.
Many similarities between NZ and Australia, this is not one of them....that's a snake skin.

I'm assured that the Pythons are fairly lazy, this time of year, but my house sitters recommend I still need to have the cats in before nightfall.
Gee Brisbane's a great place to bike around, by the river, South Bank, Goodwill Bridge, the Botanical gardens, a fantastic sculptural steel walkway which is covered in flowers, and Kangaroo point. We biked past cliffs with practising rock climbers in action, all in the heart of the city.
Spotted the Brisbane Jazz club (and another called Jazz Cafe near Griffiths University) near the Story Bridge, which I was told used left overs from the Sydney Harbour bridge (looks like it, so it could be true?)
Now it's largley alone time, reading , writing and playing my sax and caring for the three cats and Jaya the Kelpie.
See you all with another blog in 2 weeks can also leave comments and I'll reply!
Ps more photo's to follow, these for some reason wouldn't load......