Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Aussie Adventures Blog #2

The first 2 weeks of any trip is often the most interesting, everything is new and the differences in culture and accents are at there most pronounced. This was highlighted when I went for a haircut.....
I found a mans hairdresser in Main Street, two chairs, one was full so I got into the other. The customers cell phone rang, with the tune of Ravels Bolero (the Torvill and Dean’s skating tune), after he answered, we all had a bit of joke and banter about the tune…. A couple of minutes later, his cell rang again, this time the tune played was a woman’s heavy breathing, as if during sex, moaning…..the bloke said “I put that one on for when my wife rings, it stops her ringing!!!!”
Geeezzz. A perfect example of culture shock!

I’ve spent a bit of time arranging my next house sits after this one finishes and have two more, both 3 week sits, lined up after this first one. Moving to another near Brisbane, the other 1800 klms north near Cairns. House sitting is great, not at all like being a tourist, you have the comforts of home, your looking after peoples pets and homes and if you have the technology, links to home and the world are easier than ever.
This last couple of weeks, with the weather in Brisbane being (for the locals) cooler than normal, was still much warmer than NZ. Now here we have warmer weather after much needed rain.

My daily walking of the kelpie dog, Jaya past other dogs behind fences, they come and growl at us, makes me wonder why there is all these guard dogs in society today!
Vasu the Abyssynian Cat, is a real attention grabber, never far away, it’s amazing how animals check out new objects in their environment.

Winter time in Brisbane is still warm enough for banana’s to set, these are growing in the garden.

At the local supermarket, I was quite amazed at the veggies section various fruits and veggies from outside Aussie, like Shallots from the Netherlands, Coconuts from Samoa, Mangoes for Mexico, Persimmons from New Zealand, weird when they can obviously grow these themselves. These one's are from Australia.

Coming out of the Supermarket, I noticed an older guy in wheelchair, with a parrot on his knee, heading for his car, I thought, wonder how he’s going to get into that car, I was putting all my supplies into my backpack and struggling to get it on my back and getting onto my bike, the wheelchair guy, says “Gidday mate, I have the same problem”, and wheels on back into the supermarket...... Makes me appreciate, what I do have!
Last week I listened to a music show from back home “World of Leopold Bloom” on http://www.freshfm.net/ streaming live on the internet, connecting me back to NZ. I got my wife to ring into the studio, telling him I was listening. Later in his show he played a tune for me, which was really neat!

Heading into town, on the train I wrongly assumed that the Enoggera train station would be close to Enogerra Terrace, where I intended to visit a saxophone shop, however it was 4 klms away and I ran out of time and went into town looking for busking opportunities. Walking down Queens Street Mall, lunchtime on a Saturday afternoon the place was buzzing, hearing a sax playing busker......

I recorded him with the mini disc player, when he stopped, I had a good chat with him, (Graham Pampling) only realizing after a few minutes that he was blind, as he started fumbling in his case to check his busking earnings. I will return to have a jam and another chat later and record him and do an interview for my new upcoming “The SaxMan Podcast”. I enquired, later about getting a permit to Jam in the Mall, getting a permit is free, although you also need to pass an audition...next audition date 30th Aug, which canceled me out! (we may have a Jam outside the mall)

After leaving Graham the blind busker I took off for the Queensland State Library on the South Bank. I decided not to busk on the Bridge, the walkway was quite narrow and competing with noisey traffic as well as playing out in the open, not a good option. Found a great place to busk near the Museum on the super flash covered walk way above the road and Bus Station. A great view across town to the city sky scrapers, only few meters away from two lifts, which is good for people traffic passing a busker. (ATM machines are also good)

Many sweet connections and conversations with passers by, people generally are appreciate of buskers and are supportive with coins.
Returning home on the train this was the view.

The trains are very organized with special ramps laid down by hand to get mobility scooters onto the trains, and people are very easy to chat too (if you start a conversation).

Came across a local pet shop, which was interesting, with a range of dogs (pups) in Rotwheelers, Mastiffs, and little terrier types. kittens at $85, bird eating Spiders at $95, rats at $12, assorted types of lizards and a special small Childrens Python at $380 (need a permit for these)

Bought some Kanga Banga Sausages, (kangaroo) can hardly believe the blurb 98% fat free, low in saturated fat (that must be the 2%) high in iron and Gluten free, & National heart foundation approved. All this lead me onto the range of people I see in Australia, allot of severely overweight people, kids as well, I hate seeing kids this tubby it’s bad news all round for everyone! Reminds me of America and similar excess with food and junk foods in particular!

Now, I'll be leaving this house sit and straight onto the next, still in the Brisbane area. There is plenty to see and do with many Museums and a 19day Arts Festival just about to start, so there is always plenty to blog about.

Oh nearly forgot…. The sax playing, and play learning are all going well. With time to play and think, and play some more, doors start to open………

Tomorrow evening I go to the Gold Coast Web Bloggers Meet up out at the Hog’s Breath Café, might have to chew some garlic......should be fun!

Till the next post, B good and stay safe.



Jeff Hardcastle said...

Great Blog and good to see you making friends with a real jazz cat.

Kokopelli said...

Gidday Jeff, just checked out your blog, it's pretty swish, do you post on the Breakfast room....if so what's your non de plume!

Also figured out how to put the new header on the blog.

Ps I'm definatly a Lone Ranger fan.

"Hi ho Silver"


Anonymous said...

Nice blog Jimu and great photos, best of luck on your travels.

Pete Thomas & the Breakfast Room

Dean Whitbread said...

Hey Jimu

Thanks for the great comment on my blog... your pictures make me want to visit :) be well, D.

Anonymous said...

J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.

- Daniel